Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lesson Plan Format?

Hey everyone! I hope you guys are out and about this week enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I could get used to temperatures in the lower 70's each day!

I'm curious about lesson plans for those of you that departmentalize. Have you found a format that works well for you? I am okay with mine at the moment. However, I'm always looking for ways to make things better. Here's what my grade level is using:

Of course this is just the reading portion of the curriculum. We are still using the workshop format. So I have to break mine down that way. The pictures are the cover slides of either Power Points, Smart Board files, or books I'm planning to use to teach the concepts or skills. 

What works best for you? What do you include within your plans to help you stay organized? Please comment! :) I'm interested in seeing what teachers outside my school are using.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Progress Monitoring Time

This week, the only thing standing between me and my Fall Break was... progress monitoring. At least, that's how it felt. We were finishing up a persuasive writing unit this week. That was a lot of fun! So you can see how PM could be daunting. :)

Our 67 third graders are divided into three groups. That's a lot of data to manage. I created a recording sheet for each class to help keep things organized. I'm attempting to share the form here using Google Docs for the first time. I hope it works.  

Check Progress Monitoring off the list! Fall Break, here I come!