Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lesson Plan Format?

Hey everyone! I hope you guys are out and about this week enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I could get used to temperatures in the lower 70's each day!

I'm curious about lesson plans for those of you that departmentalize. Have you found a format that works well for you? I am okay with mine at the moment. However, I'm always looking for ways to make things better. Here's what my grade level is using:

Of course this is just the reading portion of the curriculum. We are still using the workshop format. So I have to break mine down that way. The pictures are the cover slides of either Power Points, Smart Board files, or books I'm planning to use to teach the concepts or skills. 

What works best for you? What do you include within your plans to help you stay organized? Please comment! :) I'm interested in seeing what teachers outside my school are using.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Progress Monitoring Time

This week, the only thing standing between me and my Fall Break was... progress monitoring. At least, that's how it felt. We were finishing up a persuasive writing unit this week. That was a lot of fun! So you can see how PM could be daunting. :)

Our 67 third graders are divided into three groups. That's a lot of data to manage. I created a recording sheet for each class to help keep things organized. I'm attempting to share the form here using Google Docs for the first time. I hope it works.  

Check Progress Monitoring off the list! Fall Break, here I come!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Kids Reading 

Okay, so the one thing that's very apparent when you are newly departmentalized, THERE'S NO TIME. I haven't managed to leave school a single day before 4 yet! There's so much to manage. Papers to grade, sort, return to homeroom teachers! I'm not giving up just yet though! I think there might be a glimmer of hope that things are improving. 

First and foremost, I'd like to say I have an awesome team this year! We work so well together. It helps to have others in the same boat with you.  The downside is that all three of us are slightly OCD! Okay in my case, that's intensely OCD! We tend to over analyze everything, anticipate problems that most of the time don't ever occur, and plan for every possible outcome! We're a well-oiled machine. LOL!

Assessment is a huge ordeal for the Reading teacher. I had 67 individual DRAs and DIBELS to complete. Thank goodness I had help from Mrs. Neal and Mrs. Wallin. Otherwise, I'd still be testing. I missed my first assessment deadline in 17 years! It was only by two days, but late nonetheless. Oh well! I'll do better next time.

I finally get to begin reading groups next week. I'm very excited about getting those up and running. I think students are ready to begin, too. I have a large group of advanced readers this year. I can't wait to start our first book study! I look forward to seeing what these students can do!

I hope to be back soon with another post!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Classroom Updates

As a result of lots of time on Pinterest, I've updated many displays in my classroom. Here's a peek!
New Headers for Word Wall
Close Up of Word Wall
Headers from 

Theme and Author Study Book Baskets

Close up of Author Study Baskets

New Labels for Book Boxes

Face of a Reader - Wizard of Oz Bulletin Board

New Common Core Standards (CCGPS)

Project 2 - Writer's Eyes

While surfing the web, I ran across an adorable blog called Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten. What wonderful ideas! I owe Tammy a huge thanks! I downloaded her Writer's Eyes poster freebie. You can find it here. It's a bit easy for third graders. However, I plan to add items as we go through the year. These will serve as great beginning of the year reminders!

Project 1 - Storage Update

Are a PINterest addict like me? I've seen all those cute up-dos of the plastic storage containers. I found the idea on Kinder-Craze blog (click here). The ones she did are absolutely gorgeous. I didn't have scrapbook paper at school. I only had access to construction paper. So I chose my two favorite colors. Mine aren't fancy but do look a little better. I added labels to help keep everything more organized. :) Double-sided tape is my new best friend!

Not immaculate but a little better on the eyes...

My Labels - Can you tell I'm out of color ink?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reading Binder - Guided Reading Expectations

Do you PIN? Isn't it the most addictive thing ever? I spend WAY too much time on there! That being said, I'm loving all the ideas for the Reading Binder. I've always kept a teacher binder complete with lesson plans and everything else under the sun. With the fact that I'll be teaching only Reading next year, I'm adjusting and trying to only include things I'll need.  I'm currently working on the Assessment tab. Our school uses the DRA2 as part of our reading assessment. I used F & P (Fountas and Pinnell) grade level expectations chart to create one for my binder. The F&P chart is available under supporting materials on Heinemann's website.

Here's my version:

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Welcome to Reading... It's Elementary!

Hello, I'm a third grade teacher in a small town in the Northwest corner of Georgia. I've just completed my sixteenth year of teaching. I taught four years in Kindergarten, nine years in first grade, and have been in third grade for three years now. Next year, our school is making the move to departmentalization at our grade level. I have the privilege of teaching reading to all third graders. Having always taught everything, I'm still a little unsure of how this will work. However, I'm willing to try anything once! :)

With all that being said, this blog is my way of working through some of the issues and things that have come up as we make preparations for the 2012-13 school year. We are also implementing CCGPS in Math and Reading/ELA.

The first task was collecting and distributing materials. Our grade level was reduced one position this year, leaving three of us. So, we had to empty out the other classroom. We had things every where! In all three classroom, in the hall, in boxes, baskets, and anything else we found that was empty. I wish I had thought to take a picture! It was a HUGE undertaking! However, we started with Mrs. Science & Social Studies's room (name altered a bit as I haven't spoken with my teammates about this blog idea I will soon though!).  Since our school system moved away from text book adoptions and focused more on trade books to match our standards, we are blessed with an abundance of resources! Thus, we pulled all of our Science and Social Studies materials and began the move! We sorted and grouped topics/standards as we combined everything. It became apparent quickly that we were in serious need of book box labels! Time out for me from sorting! I quickly created some book box labels. Here's a peek at those!


If you haven't ever used Phillip Martin's Clip Art, you should check him out.